Thursday, March 19, 2020

India and Pakistan Essays

India and Pakistan Essays India and Pakistan Essay India and Pakistan Essay It was in the year 1947 that both India and Pakistan were granted independence on the midnight of August 14-15 but Pakistan celebrates its independence on August 14 and India on August 15. Ironic but interestingly, Pakistan first independence day was celebrated as August 15 and later on it became August 14.Another reason was that British Viceroy Mountbatten, who chose August 15 symbolizing the surrender of Japan to Allies two years ago as the date, preferred to transfer power to Pakistan on August 14 so he could attend the ceremony in Karachi and be in New Delhi the next day to oversee India’s birth as an independent nation. Since the power of transfer took place on the midnight of 14 and 15 August, the Indian Independence Act 1947 clearly stated that 15 August was the birthday of both Pakistan and India. As from the fifteenth day of August, nineteen hundred and forty-seven, two independent Dominions shall be set up in India, to be known respectively as India and Pakistan, the act stated. Even Mohammad Jinnah, who became the first governor general of Pakistan, declared August 15 as the independence day of Pakistan in his opening speech. Jinnah in his first broadcast to the nation said: August 15 is the birthday of the independent and sovereign state of Pakistan.It marks the fulfilment of the destiny of the Muslim nation which made great sacrifices in the past few years to have its homeland. So, Pakistan celebrated its first birthday on 15 August but in subsequent years 14 August was marked as the independence day. Even the first commemorative postage stamp of the country that was released a year later stated 15 August 1947 as the independence day of Pakistan. But in 1948, Pakistan decided to celebrate its Independence Day on August 14, a day before India’s Indepndence Day due to 27 Ramadan that fell on August 14, 1947.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Spinner Dolphin Facts

Spinner Dolphin Facts Spinner dolphins were  named for their unique behavior of leaping and spinning. These spins can involve more than four body revolutions. Fast Facts: Spinner Dolphin Size: 6-7 feet and 130-170 poundsHabitat: warm tropical and subtropical waters in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian OceansClassification: Kingdom: Animalia, Class: Mammalia, Family: DelphinidaeLifespan: 20 to 25 yearsDiet: Fish and squid; locate prey using echolocationFun Fact: Spinner dolphins gather in pods that can number into the thousands and are known for spinning and leaping.   Identification Spinner dolphins are medium-sized dolphins with long, slender  beaks. Coloration varies depending on where they live. They often have a striped appearance with a dark gray back, gray flanks and white underside.  In some adult males, the dorsal fin looks as if has been stuck on backwards. These animals may associate with other marine life, including humpback whales, spotted dolphins and yellowfin tuna. Classification There are 4 subspecies of spinner dolphin: Grays spinner dolphin (Stenella  longirostris  longirostris)Eastern spinner dolphin (S. l.  orientalis)Central American spinner dolphin (S.l.  centroamericana)Dwarf spinner dolphin (S.l.  roseiventris) Habitat and Distribution Spinner dolphins are found in warm tropical and subtropical waters in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Different spinner dolphin subspecies may prefer different habitats depending on where they live. In Hawaii, they live in shallow, sheltered bays, in the Eastern Tropical Pacific, they live on the high seas far from land and often associate with yellowfin tuna, birds and pantropical spotted dolphins. Dwarf spinner dolphins live in areas with shallow coral reefs, where they feed during the day on fish and invertebrates. Click here for a sighting map for spinner dolphins. Feeding Most spinner dolphins rest during the day and feed at night. Their preferred prey are fish and squid, which they find using echolocation.  During echolocation, the dolphin emits high-frequency sound pulses from an organ (the melon) in its head. The sound waves bounce off objects around it and are received back into the dolphins lower jaw. They are then transmitted to the inner ear and interpreted to determine the size, shape, location and distance of prey. Reproduction The spinner dolphin has a year-round breeding season After mating, the females gestation period is about 10 to 11 months, after which a single calf about two and a half feet long is born. Calves nurse for one to two years. The lifespan for spinner dolphins is estimated at about 20 to 25 years. Conservation The spinner dolphin is listed as data deficient on the IUCN Red List. Spinner dolphins in the Eastern Tropical Pacific were caught by the thousands in purse seine nets targeting tuna, although their populations are slowly recovering due to restrictions placed on those fisheries. Other threats include entanglement or bycatch in fishing gear, targeted hunts in the Caribbean, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines, and coastal development which affects the sheltered bays that these dolphins inhabit in some areas during the day. Sources and Further Information American Cetacean Society. Spinner Dolphin: . Accessed April 30, 2012.Stenella longirostris (Short-Beaked) and Delphinus capensis (Long-Beaked)Culik, B. 2010. Odontocetes. The toothed whales: Stenella longirostris. UNEP/CMS Secretariat, Bonn, Germany. Accessed April 30, 2012.Hammond, P.S., Bearzi, G., Bjà ¸rge, A., Forney, K., Karczmarski, L., Kasuya, T., Perrin, W.F., Scott, M.D., Wang, J.Y., Wells, R.S. Wilson, B. 2008. Stenella longirostris. IUCN 2011. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2011.2. Accessed April 30, 2012.Nelson, B. 2011. Why Does This Dolphin Have Its Fin On Backwards?. Mother Nature Network, Accessed April 30, 2012.NOAA Fisheries: Office of Protected Resources. Spinner Dolphin (. Accessed April 30, 2012.Stenella longirostris)OBIS SEAMAP. Spinner Dolphin (. Accessed April 30, 2012.Stenella longirostris)Perrin, W. 2012. Stenella longirostris (Gray, 1828). In: Perrin, W.F. World Cetacea Database. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at marines on April 30, 2012. The Mammals of Texas. Spinner Dolphin. Accessed April 30, 2012.